VJO Evaluation Report
published on 01-07-96     last update 20-04-01

article number _________


Problem clearly defined and delimited

Relevance and importance of the review of the literature

Research aims well defined and delimited


Score (from 0 to 5)_______


2.Materials and Method (for experimental papers only)


Reproducibility and validity of the Study

Relevance and correctness of statistical tests


Score (from 0 to 5)_______


2.Clinical Protocol (for clinical papers only)

Clearness in the clinical approach

Good interpretation of clinical management

Reproducibility of the therapeutic approach

Satisfactory number of clinical cases

Satisfactory case report documentation


Score (from 0 to 5)_______




Quality and completeness of treatment results

Validity of results in relation to the problem investigated

Comprehension and clarity of tables, figures and photographs

Internationally accepted case report documentation


Score (from 0 to 5)_______


4.Discussion and Conclusions

Correct interpretation and critical discussion of results

Comparison with previous literature

Correct and complete conclusions confirmed from the findings


Score (from 0 to 5)_______


5.Work originality/ Innovation

Clinical and/or Scientific Importance (i.e patology rareness)


Score (from 0 to 5)_______


6.General Evaluation

Relevance and clearness of title in relation to the content of the paper

Length of paper and balance between single paragraphs

Presence of important parts taken from fundamental text-books

Numbers of authors. Easiness in reading. Key words

Summary. Abstract. References


Score (from 0 to 5)_______





